Ghost Precht

A dumping ground for the inane...

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

And here’s the troof

Problems have arisen here with my family as I have two parts down here

telling my family, not me mind you, that I’ve been disrespectful of them and another that says I’ve done nothing wrong. It’s become very difficult for my parents who have become the middle-people in this childish endeavor and don’t feel as though they should be part of this. However, as this is how my family wishes to pose things I suppose it’s up to me to call them and inform them that I am a capable human being and that they can address the complaints, however retarded, through me and not have to involve my mother and father into the equation. After all, I do live on my own, I have my own phone line to which they can address their feeble, childish concerns, and I would like to think that I could grasp at which ever childlike problems they seem to have with me without an intermediary or translator. It just really boggles…every cell in my brain that they are so interested in my life, but only so interested that they can be on the outside looking in and as long as they don’t act like adults and address the person with whom they have an apparent problem. It sure makes them look like they’re just making attempts to be jerks instead of having anything of any merit to say.

Begin heavy praying

Earlier today Heather dropped by to go over some things for peer review and

she alerted me that she wanted to see me develop to my full potential in preparation for the new position to be opened and applied to, and hopefully occupied, by me. She told me that she and Tom had a list of things that they would love to see me work on to improve my performance and to help get me ready for that position. So, a meeting of the nit-pickers has been set up with both Heather and Tom to see what things I can improve. I’m excited to hear what they have to say as I’m more than ready to receive more responsibility and have a relatively large safety net put underneath me as far as job security is concerned. It would make my life so much easier. Also, getting paid more would be pretty amazing, especially since I just bought a new car and I have to pay like woah.

Regardless, as it stands, I’ve also been asked to look into other people who

may be able to help me out in this self-reflective/improvement opportunity and haven’t been able to think of any other than Yoshe and Misty. Perhaps our soon-to-be departed fearless leader, Stephen, might have something in mind that I can improve. The difficult part is trying to find some time where he might be free to set up said improvement session with his incredibly busy schedule and his splitting positions as ECC VP and Director of Scientific Publications. It’s going to be tricky asking for help from him and tricky finding time to both ask him and set up a time to sit down with him. A the perils of the corporate world.

I've realized that I promised a lot more prose then I have delivered, so I will try to remedy that situation as quickly and efficiently as I give a crap. That’s just what you’re going to have to deal with. All...none of you.

Steve Jobs! Shut up, I want one!

So, we saw Madagascar last night. Baron Sasha Cohnen and Andy Richter make the movie. Before they enter the screen its just decent.

The best lines in the movie, "Welcome giant pansies," "The foosa. Their always annoying us by trespassing, interrupting our parties and ripping our limbs off," and "If you have poo, fling it now."

Can we get a date? Or is this like the vote in Iraq where you forced it?

And now Captain Stupid opens his mouth on Quran mistreatment at Guantanamo Bay. That's just what we needed. Hey world, we're the United States and we don't need to listen to Amnesty Internationals reports regarding human rights issues, we wrote the book on beating detainees

The vocal intended for the skewing

Since breaking the ‘Rather-gate’ mistake last year, Americablog has turned

its fight toward something a little less newsworthy and far more obvious. The writers on the blog, which had been my favorite blog to rummage through the news, have directed their attention on gay issues instead of the broader news spectrum.

When ‘Rather-gate,’ I love that everything is a ‘gate’ now a’days, broke

blogs became national heroes and their stock exploded. They started receiving traffic similar to and and were referred to as sources by many news channels for a variety of stories both breaking and otherwise. MSNBC and CNN even included a blog lookout portion to their daily broadcasts focusing on reading content from a variety of news blogs, mostly opinionated in nature, to allow for further marketability of blogs and to give the illusion that the networks were hip and with it. It was contrived, yes, and an obvious gambit to grasp at some key demos who had opted for the computer instead of the television screens, but it had a negative effect on the blogs themselves.

Much like the political figures they outed these blogs had the opportunity to

use their new celebrity to further their own personal ideals. For that ideal is homosexuality. For the past month the page has degenerated into a gay news mecca. Instead of producing and expelling the news the way they had in the past, the site has decided to take a far more selective look at the news. Tackling Microsoft’s gay-rights issues, the Chaney family and the now famous quest for Mayor West buttocks.

Instead of continuing to dig for news stories of merit on a near constant

basis, and being the prevailing defender of the small-yet-important news story, Americablog has turned into a source for gay news with the occasional dropping of other stories. Instead of hard hitting, aggressive posting of the news stories that the networks were willing to air because of their faux goal to remain non-partisan the site has decided to tackle subjects that the news networks don’t often air because a large amount of the country is anti-gay.

What’s more interesting, is the site’s identity theft of other strictly gay

news sites; too many to name. Instead of retaining their sterling physique of the overlooked and minuscule they’ve opted for the ‘popular, liberal,’ as many people call it, calling of the pro-gay platform.

The question can now be asked, is it that the agenda of the site had been

played all along and just needed the catalyst of popularity to better focus its intentions, or is it that because of its popularity it has altered its agenda to better suit a portion of its viewership and pull in more hits per day?

Saturday, May 28, 2005

I guess he's just lucky it wasn't an icepick.

Friday, May 27, 2005

If you haven't made the switch, maybe you should look at the number.

Grins around!

I’ve begun to wonder if I will write anything for myself in this blog at all

anymore. I’m not sure it’s something that I need. Simply transposing the news in a somewhat silly way seems to be an appropriate waste of my time and anyone’s who chose to read it. Yet, I must digress and recognize the need for something of substance; something of a genuine nature and of merit to be created and reared until publication on this page. These re the important things, I’m told. So, I’ve decided to give it another try. Perhaps something good will come of it, and perhaps I’ll just end up talking about the extreme concentrations of young, nubile women at my cousins graduation. I’m not sure to which direction I will find myself as I never do, but I assure you, my dear reader, that whence that direction is found, I will thrust onward. Forever onward, into the abyss of authorship and the logic therein.

Thank you.

They said what?

The military has admitted that the Quran was "mishandled" in Guantanamo Bay. If that's not crazy enough, Congress is now trying to pass a law that will ban the desecration of the Bible, Torah and Quran by the military.

...First off, the swiftness to which this was handled was incredible. Secondly, I have to say, there are moments when I'm proud of this country. This is one of those times.

Oh, but that's not all! Remember this? Well, the image has been removed. Some repairs are good to make.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Just as a public service announcement, I present this to you:

The proper way to enjoy a mule.

See, I don't always have to be filthy.

I guess I should have been raised in Georgia.

Jackass had sex

Right-winger condemns 'beast fornicators,' but loves his mule

Alan Colmes, on his Fox radio talk show last week, asked anti-abortion extremist Neal Horsley if he was kidding when Horsley once claimed to have had sex with animals as a boy growing up in Georgia. Horsley is best known for his "Nuremberg Files," which, according to Planned Parenthood, lists abortion doctors "marked for death." Here was the exchange between Colmes and Horsley:

Horsley: Hey, Alan, if you want to accuse me of having sex when I was a fool, I did everything that crossed my mind that looked like I . . .

Colmes: You had sex with animals?

Horsley: Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule.

Colmes: I'm not so sure that that is so.

Horsley: You didn't grow up on a farm in Georgia, did you?

Colmes: Are you suggesting that everybody who grows up on a farm in Georgia has a mule as a girlfriend?

Horsley: It has historically been the case. You people are so far removed from the reality. . . . Welcome to domestic life on the farm. You experiment with anything that moves when you are growing up sexually. You're naive. You know better than that. . . . If it's warm and it's damp and it vibrates, you might in fact have sex with it.

Not knowing whether or not to believe this, we called Horsley and read him the quotes. "That's correct," he said. Then we looked at his website. Here's what it says: "Now when homosexuals, or adulterers, or fornicators, or pedophiles, or beast fornicators and beast suckers, or any sexual outlaws, parade themselves around as if they could be followers of Jesus Christ, they demonstrate a lie and blasphemy and abomination."

Am I devoid of compassion

Note that this is a statement

There arises a problem of epic proportions that I must tend to. See, tonight

the (first place) Rangers will be playing the (last place) Royals in a battle that will no doubt be full of homers and line-drive base hits to the outfield; plus Kenny Rogers is pitching, and he’s one of the most exciting pitchers in baseball right now. As well, tonight is my cousin’s graduation party. Thus a problem is created.

My cousins and I have had a bit of a falling out for a few years now, but

baseball and I can’t have a falling out. That is, unless my O’s fall out of first place and plummet, due to injuries not doubt, into the chasm of the American League Eastern Division. I’m not seeing this as a problem as their injuries remain entirely unserious, save Javy Lopez’s unfortunate hand injury leaving him out of the line-up for six weeks. Of course, my cousins have laid their superiority complex on me every time I grace their presence. Therefore, it is safe to say that it will be tricky for me to give up on baseball due to its mostly firm standings in the annals of my cranium. So, I will, undoubtedly, be attending my cousin’s graduation from high school. It will no doubt be a long and arduous event where I will sit there next to Ray and Omed, mapping out the band that we are planning to create. Relatively unpainful in the grander sense, yes. I will be regretting my decision in the long run, but when my car gets here and I am driving it around, completely without them, I will be happy. And that’s all one man can ask for. Isn’t it? That, and hundreds of women. Ah, I stand corrected.

Did I mention that the party that appeared at our apartment last night kept

me up until all hours of the night? I’m sure I mentioned that.

Are we going to fix the problems now that Amnesity International has called the detention center in Guantanamo Bay a 'gulag'? Here's hoping, but here's also doubting.

For those who were confused by the term 'gulag,' let help you out:
A forced labor camp or prison, especially for political dissidents.

I'd say that's pretty bad, right?

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I'm contemplating asking Liliana Segura to marry me. Genius.

New News about Quran Abuse

It just keeps getting worse and worse. Now we find out at our troops were mocking Muslims while they prayed. Very nice. Keep it up, the rest of the world doesn't hate us enough yet.

Yesterday I got really hypo and was sick for the day. I'm fine now though. No worries.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Years too late

From the New York Times:

'It may look like war but it's peacekeeping.'
LT. GEN. BABACAR GAYE of Senegal, the force commander of the largest of 18 United Nations peacekeeping operations, in Congo."
Yeah, general. The UN is stepping-it-up in Congo but can't do anything in Suddan. Why? The death count is still rising, by the way.

I will, however, say that it's a good sign when you hear this, "'The ghost of Rwanda lies very heavily over how the U.N. and the Security Council have chosen to deal with Ituri,' said David Harland, a top official at the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations in New York."

We’re wondering why Muslims across the world hate us so much and claim that we are trying to impose a Christian doctrine on everything that we do is so obvious that it’s even being used by troops to name their tanks. Yeah, that’s pretty sick. Did people just decide to ignore what is in the Bible and write their own? That's really what it seems like. And it's truly frightening for the rest of us.

Every once in a while I need to remind you all of my love for a certain dog...and a certain monkey. (sobs)

Go monkey, (sob) go!

Get that pony Whiplash. Get 'em! (sobs)

Pinocchio has turned into a real boy!

Remember when we went into Afghanistan, took over and installed a puppet government? And remember when we abused prisoners and the Quran. Well, now we’ve infuriated the president of the puppet government, and he wants all Afghan detainees sent to Afghan prisons. Man, it's like everything we touch turns to gold!

I left my apartment at 7:30 this morning and didn't walk into the office until 10. Thank you burning semi. I hate traffic.

News Flash: Our Government is "Out of Touch"

The First Lady’s visit nearly instigated riots by Arab and Jewish protestors in Jerusalem. Don't they get it, the people there don't like our government and our representatives.

She should have told some more jokes about stroking off a horse. Better yet, when she gets to India she should change horse to cow. Man, they'll love her. Ignorance reins supreme, and all she can do is stand there and smile.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Misty and I are conferring on designs for the first “Asshole-a-pult.”
No one enters our cube and talks to us, son!
Here is a very rough sketch.

Nature's Best!

If by 'Nature's Best' you mean best mold growing on the stem of an apple. Really kind of gross.

I'm beating the horse, but it's still alive and kicking

Did the Red Cross inform the U.S. that military personnal was abusing the Quran? Seems that way. This just keeps getting worse and worse.

It smells like burning? You smell that?


Thursday, May 19, 2005

If you want to win a lot of games wear red. Me thinks this might be a lot of...bull. But if scientists in Britain believe this than it must be true, and they couldn’t at all be influenced by a certain popular, competitive football team out there, right.

Someone here was telling me that President Bush won the election because he was the underdog, and Americans always root for the underdog. Now, I always thought that he won because he pandered to conservative, 'right-sided' Christians, and Americans root for the underdog in movies and in sports, with the exception of the Wankees. But that's just what I thought. I was way off! Ha, ha.

This has been a public service announcement for the president

Buster Olney lays it down for you:

"The committee members in Congress have mostly asked the right questions, mostly worked to do the right thing. But every time they talk about their favorite teams, their favorite players and their baseball card collections, they hurt their own credibility. Are they pursuing drug legislation as lawmakers, or fans? Please leave the pom-poms at home."

No one's sat there for over a month...

On walking in this morning I was greeted by a new face. She told me her

name, but I'm too tired to remember it, and explained that she was a temp through Addecco, the temp service here. I smiled and nodded politely and told her that she’ll probably be extended, “Most people are.” She laughed and said that she hoped so. Yeah, I heard that, but generally people who enter that cube behind me leave just as quickly. First, there was the woman who obviously had no idea how to operate Microsoft Office and asked me unbearable questions like how to save, print and open files. Second, there was the woman who didn’t eat or leave her desk for an entire day. She talked with me about her cold and cough, and I sympathized with her. Lasted two days. Now, there’s this one. She seems a lot more capable despite having people come in and out of her cube explaining software and asking simple questions about lunch and the like.

There’s nothing disparaging, I hope, or bad blood between myself and any of

the temps who come in here. I just find it odd that they leave so quickly. The idea of the temp is as a temporary worker within the environment, but I had no idea how brief a stint that meant. Two days as the average. Let’s see if this new one can make it to three.

Fix it! Fix it! Fix it!

To continue with the Quran story, Newsweek did not post an apology and retract their article about the abuse, unlike what people in Washington are saying. The story is still out there, and its still a big deal.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Uh oh! We spoke too soon. Seems now there are new witness to mistreatment of the Quran at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. It just keeps getting worse and worse. Now, it seems as though prisioners were so pained by the abuse that they went on a hunger strike in March of 2003, and it wasn't until guards apologized over the loudspeakers that they began eating again. Fantastic!
I just got a call from Hitler and he wants his military back.

The Nintendo Revolution will be awesome. I promise you this.

Though I have to admit, the PS 3 looks interesting as well, but there will be a huge market war over game console supremacy.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Today's "Major" Issue of the Moment

We found out yesterday that our scanner ‘doesn't have’ all of the issues they need to

complete the scan for our huge archival project. Let me give this some context. In February, when I started, I was assigned the task of preparing for the archival of many of the volumes of our journals; anything before 1995, really. This included getting prices from many of the vendors around the country who may have copies of each journal that we could purchase from them; since we had exhausted all free avenues. We would then turn around and send those journals to Virginia, where they would be mailed out to India to be scanned.

We were told that all of this had been taken care of, and had been receiving reports

suggesting the success and soon completion of the scanning process. Until yesterday. As I'm sitting here yesterday, my head floating in embalming fluid, I get an email from Heather with the note "oh crap, figure this out." I read the thing and find out that the company we’re using to scan our journals is missing two whole volumes. That’s a years worth of journals. Along with those, we were also told that one of the issues that we had ordered specifically for this project was also ‘missing.’

So, now we’re stuck trying to round up the issues that they’re missing so we can send

them off to India to be scanned. Hooray! We were lucky enough that Tom had pack-ratted boxes of journals that we were able to supplement. But what’s better is that we have to reorder the issue that we ordered before plus another. Yeah!

And then, there’s the gaps online issue. See, on our journal’s sites we found that there

are random gaps and page jumps that appear between 1996 and 2000. These are things that our publisher should be taking care of, but they’ve decided to delegate the responsibility on to us, for some reason. We’re not all too happy with that as they were the one’s who made the initial mistake. Regardless, two months ago Molly in the library and I created a spreadsheet list of every gap that we could find after comparing what was online to the PubMed server (a website dedicated to housing articles from thousands of journals) and sent it on over to the LWW (our publisher) folks to get started on. Today, I got a phone call about trying to resolve the problem. It’s taken them two months to figure out what they had and what they need to order. Really? It took me two weeks and I had to take care of five journals and forty plus years, not just the two in four years. And there’s only so much you can blame on Lesa’s, one of the people at LWW, gross incompetence. So, in summation, other people are stupid, David is smart and should own an island, or some junk. No, realistically, I should have received these phone calls at least a month ago, and now that I’m busy trying to create commissions for the hundreds of statements that need to be input into our new BenchPress database I’m having to deal with this crap.

This is me, this is me drowning in papers.

Beward the Double Dragon

Sorry that it's been a while. Lots of work to do yesterday, and I'm not even sure that my brain was working for most of it. I had a napkin tucked into my shirt to catch the drool; it was bad. Anyway, here's what has happened with the story about abuse of the Quran in Guantanamo Bay. IT NEVER HAPPENED! Or so that's what the White House is saying. Silly Newsweek, don't you know that what you print is always wrong and the White House is a flawless, white sheet of justice and purity. Of course. That or the White House is trying to dodge another bullet. Hopefully this bullet is magic.

Friday, May 13, 2005

In the morning we’re awake but during the day we sleep

Today saw my brain flushing itself down the toliet. It's been a pretty painful day. No

meetings, just my brain not cooperating and reacting like a geriatric patient. The lights seem to bright, the phone too loud and there are children frolicking merrily on my lawn, and they must be destroyed. I’m not so sure that this is the best option open to me, the best avenue to drive with my constant ‘night-blindness,’ but that’s where I am; sadly. For the extent of the day I’ve had error messages, and am being told that the network is moving even slower than I am. Work is piling up on my ‘things-to-do’ list next to me. Glancing over only causes the further glazing over of my whole body; not just my eyes. I’m constantly looking over my shoulder to see who is walking by, in case I can strike up a conversation that might allow for the some movement in my brain cells. It doesn’t work.

This morning I was late because of a 16-or-so-wheel truck that had tipped over on an

on/off ramp onto 75. The insides lay open and exposed and surrounded by cautious police officers who moved like cavemen after a fresh kill. Had they killed it, was it going to burst into flames and cause even more damage to the on/off ramp? More than the five feet by two feet gash, unearthing the wire mesh of the concrete median. I drove by after a near half hour delay. Immediately after the accident drivers sprinted down the highway, knowing full well that police would be too busy dealing with the accident to pull them over for speeding. Yes, I followed, topping off at around ninety.

Something about tangents really appeals to me today. Maybe it’s the fact that I’m

feeling dumb as hell and nearly retarded. Hooray!

My brain and the network are one. They work in tandem to disrupt all the work that needs to be resolved by the end of the day. All hail my brain and the network! Ruler of the AHA! (explosions in the background)

Thursday, May 12, 2005

For the women who read this, don't ever visit Dr. Hager, and here's why
It's disguesting.

Fantastic Pandering

Brought to you by me choking myself

I’ve noticed more and more that I truly dislike and the other news sites. As I

visit CNN right now, I’m looking for the important news, the things that, around the world, insight thought and provokes discussion, instead I’m provided with the following headlines: “Man offers to return finger found in custard,” “Documents detail runaway bride's sex-assault lie,” “Hot real estate markets get hotter,” and “'Idol' says farewell to Fedorov.” Woo hoo! What more does a guy need. We have news of Fedorov, whoever the hell that is, from ‘American Idol’ (the most trite and contrived television show ever) getting booted off the show. WHY DOES THIS MATTER! As I look up, there is one mention of the protests in Afghanistan. ONE! The people are revolting against us for flushing the Quran down the toilet, which is disgusting and horrible, but we’re so self obsessed that we’re more interested in the exploits of a television show centered around the creation of an ‘American Idol.’ Someone who sings and has charisma, but really does nothing for the country, whatsoever. How is this important? How is this something that so many people are going to waste time watching and reading about, obsessively? How?! Our troops have so far killed women and children in Iraq by drowning them and now we’re desecrating the religious text of the second largest religions on the planet. THAT’S IMPORTANT! Pay more attention to that not the lovable Ukrainian who got his ass kicked off a television show.

Yes, Bolton was moved on to the Senate and House without any overwhelmingly explicate

stamp of approval – which is important – but I’m seeing more about a bombing in Baghdad. Essentially, I think we’ve moved directly past Afghanistan. In our minds that happened, and it’s now over. Or was it more like a roadtrip? “Look, mom! The world’s largest ball of yarn! Oh, there it went. Oh, look!” We’ve moved on to the war with insurgents and with the installation of the new government in Iraq, yet we’ve completely ignored the ravenous drug industry, murders of officials and the desecration of religious text in Afghanistan. I’m not sure I can say it enough. It doesn’t make any sense.

How can we so quickly shift from one subject to another without resolving the first at

all? This why the president is allowed to install whomever he wants as UN Ambassador; because we’re ignoring it and focusing on the ‘new crap’ that’s happening. Why?! That shouldn’t be the case. We shouldn’t let it go until it’s done. Just as we shouldn’t have invaded Iraq until Afghanistan had been resolved we find ourselves talking about Iran and the impending attack on Tehran to stop nuclear weapons. He thinks he can do whatever he wants, no, he believes he has a mandate to do whatever he wants by ‘the people’ (whatever). Is that the case? Do the majority of people in this country want John Bolton as our UN Ambassador? A man who throws things at his inferiors and obsesses over the firing of one of his employees instead of trying to do his job? Some say that he’s a man of great character and strength. I say anyone with those kinds of problems should be in therapy. If you’re throwing things and obsessing over firing someone for doing something that you didn’t like, you have a problem! That’s not a good candidate to go deal with an organization comprised of over a hundred different nations trying to work together. He’s not going to help problems with the UN, he’s going to hinder them more with bizarre obsessions or throw something at the Chinese representative.

My round-about reason for writing this post? I think it’s ridiculous the way our news is

reported. It’s no longer about what is important to the people or in the world; it’s about trying to get more viewers to tune in. One network is fighting with another network during sweeps so they air something about the war or about a firefighter saving a kitty cat. That’s stupid! News should be the facts reported all the time. It shouldn’t matter if they’re entertaining people, factual reporting is far more important when you’re reporting something that you call ‘news.’ It should just be called ‘tabloid news,’ then maybe I would know that it’s going to be crap before I reach for the mouse/remote.

Steven Collbert, it's French, bitch

I thought this was just a ruse, but now that I've read about it on MSNBCs website, it must be true. The Collbert Report! Coming in September.

My favorite quote was made by Collbert regarding his character, "very well-intentioned, poorly informed, high-status idiot, not unlike some people who have these shows in the real world.” Oh, Lordy. I love thee!

I nearly cried when I heard this on NPR last night. Our troops are desecrating the Quran? Why? Do they have no respect for anyone save themselves? Across the globe we’ve heard complaints about the US being a haven of self-importance and cockiness, and we wonder why. Perhaps it’s because our troops are flushing copies of the holiest book for Muslims without a second thought. It’s disgusting how little we care about anyone but ourselves. How amazing it is that a troop in a foreign country can stand there with a mentality of, “it’s not my holy book, so why should I care?”

So many of our troops are terrible human beings. Prison abuse, forcing innocent Muslim women and children into river to drown and now desecrating the holist book for all Muslims. Here’s more from CNN. The issue here is that we’ll never hear anything more about this. Just like those women and children it will be ignored because it’s ‘in the name of war.’ And that’s sickening.

And people complain about fanatical Muslims

This is not a doctored photo, it is ‘for real,’ and it's downright frightening. The idea that anyone would compare George W. Bush to Jesus is absolutely sickening. How can those who created this to be people of faith? What was that about the anti-Christ being a deceiver, a charlatan but charming? And that other part of the Bible that states ‘do not worship false idols’? George W. Bush is a man; Jesus was FAR more, closer to God than man. If we are to worship men then you are no better than those who ignored Moses. Do they have to build a gold statue for you people to get it?!

Read a little more about it.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I guess we were all sleeping when this was created and passed. Like the largest most painful yet unnoticable kidney stone ever.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Umm, this list just confuses me...greatly.

I'll be doing some more test driving this afternoon from my desk. "Many adjustments" have been made to the site and I'm charged with the task of crashing them. Make 'em work, that's what I always say.

Monday, May 09, 2005

They said he 'balked,' Kline says he didn't

I believe Kline. I think Pena was just being a jerk and the ump wasn't paying any attention and just went with it. Regardless, here's an article about the balk.

As I've stated before, it is those fanatical few that cause people to paint groups in a

bad light. Whether we're talking about religious, political or social groups, as soon as a part of that group branches off and becomes fanatical trouble follows. This issue has surrounded Christianity in America in recent weeks, and the amount of issues and negative publicity has grown exponentially to a level that is truly frightening. From issues of ministers kicking out their members to political leaders railing together whole groups to ‘rise up against judges’ the problem isn’t one-dimensional. In order to truly understand the problem one must look at it from all sides and try to expose the root of the problem. I hope and pray that non-fanatical Christians can do something to prove that not all Christians paint the religion in a negative light. Personally, I have many Christian friends whom belong in a special group of those who follow the religion and do no deviate into this realm of negativity, anger or (God forbid) bigotry.

I don’t feel as though it is my goal to expose these things, but when I find issues that fill

me with fear for the future I feel obligated to post them on this blog.

Here are three recent stories:

Number 1
Number 2
Number 3

I liked this article. I also liked the speech; because he's right.

Extremely long weekend, painfully delayed flight last night, no sleep, rough edged, napping on my keyboard.
I'll write something later...perhaps.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Tonight I'll be flying in to O'Hare and staying for the weekend for my sister's graduation and Mother's Day; because, I'm a good brother/son. Other than that, I received a brand-spankin' new computer today, and subsequently lost a variety of files and all of my music in the process. They're trying to see if they can remedy that, but I guarantee that no moves will be made until Monday or Tuesday. Kind of sucks. I need my tunes, son.

Anyway, next week in Dell-o-pia!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

To wrap

So, I've had a tough time writing anything in this blog as my days have been filled with

test-drives of websites, and meetings regarding the implementation of new software. We yesterday and unwound talking about Family, Futurama, KISS, AC DC and a variety of other topics, laughing and trying to hide yawns and exhausted glances at watches. But I digress. Here's what has happened in recent days.

On Sunday I hurt my back, again, while stretching and riding the bike. Still hurts, but

it's not as bad as it was as I started stretching twice a day and plan on biking again tonight. After that Payam, Samir, Layla and I went out to the ballpark to eat and watch the game from the Rawlings Sports Restaurant. From there Payam went off to work while Layla, Samir and I bought standing room only tickets for the game, and found a few seats near the back. Then we heard a message from the announcer on high, ‘Just as a reminder folks, today, after the game, you’re all invited to run the bases…” Layla and I looked at each other slowly and started cheering; Samir just sat there because he didn’t care…because he’s a party pooper. Regardless, after the game we entered a massive line winding up the stairs on the first base line. Layla and I busied ourselves with conversations about various baseball centered topics while Samir stood around complaining about how stupid it all was. We just ignored them completely, and then ran the bases.

It was one of the most amazing things ever. We walked out onto the dirt and watched

children with their parents trot around the bases, tagging each one with their toe like the ballplayers. I could imagine the players looking on from afar giving the play-by-play on who ran the bases the best. Anyway, I wanted to slide into home but the overwhelming crowd around the plate for pictures deterred me, so I tagged in, took pictures and exited stage left.

Since then, at work, I’ve been test-driving a website that we’ll be using for article

submissions. We’ve gone from the creation of the idea for an article, to the assignment of an author, to editing on through to publishing. With an array of bugs found along the way, the end product seemed relatively solid and formed. It was even requested of me to work from home Tuesday night and Wednesday morning to test the site on a Mac.
From there, I’ve been typing up a complete list of all the events and new products for our members and the public to view on the site, and looking forward to my flight into Chicago on Friday night for my sister’s graduation and to surprise her.

Anyway, that’s all from me for now. I’ll try to post more tomorrow, and edit what little

I sprinkled last night; provide an explanation for, really.

Bye now!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Quick quips.
Number 1, Number 2, Number 3.

Is it just me or do I sound pretty polished in my arguement here? I'm not though. Not polished at all. Damnit!

Back to the mounds of work that need finishing...or to be burned, I'm not sure which.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Long weekend leads to a long week.

Yesterday I couldn't log on to Blogger and had meetings from 9 to 1. Today, I have a meeting in half hour until five. Same with tomorrow. Lots of meetings and nothing else. I may have the time to post something by the end of the week.