Ghost Precht

A dumping ground for the inane...

Monday, May 09, 2005

As I've stated before, it is those fanatical few that cause people to paint groups in a

bad light. Whether we're talking about religious, political or social groups, as soon as a part of that group branches off and becomes fanatical trouble follows. This issue has surrounded Christianity in America in recent weeks, and the amount of issues and negative publicity has grown exponentially to a level that is truly frightening. From issues of ministers kicking out their members to political leaders railing together whole groups to ‘rise up against judges’ the problem isn’t one-dimensional. In order to truly understand the problem one must look at it from all sides and try to expose the root of the problem. I hope and pray that non-fanatical Christians can do something to prove that not all Christians paint the religion in a negative light. Personally, I have many Christian friends whom belong in a special group of those who follow the religion and do no deviate into this realm of negativity, anger or (God forbid) bigotry.

I don’t feel as though it is my goal to expose these things, but when I find issues that fill

me with fear for the future I feel obligated to post them on this blog.

Here are three recent stories:

Number 1
Number 2
Number 3


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