Ghost Precht

A dumping ground for the inane...

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

And here’s the troof

Problems have arisen here with my family as I have two parts down here

telling my family, not me mind you, that I’ve been disrespectful of them and another that says I’ve done nothing wrong. It’s become very difficult for my parents who have become the middle-people in this childish endeavor and don’t feel as though they should be part of this. However, as this is how my family wishes to pose things I suppose it’s up to me to call them and inform them that I am a capable human being and that they can address the complaints, however retarded, through me and not have to involve my mother and father into the equation. After all, I do live on my own, I have my own phone line to which they can address their feeble, childish concerns, and I would like to think that I could grasp at which ever childlike problems they seem to have with me without an intermediary or translator. It just really boggles…every cell in my brain that they are so interested in my life, but only so interested that they can be on the outside looking in and as long as they don’t act like adults and address the person with whom they have an apparent problem. It sure makes them look like they’re just making attempts to be jerks instead of having anything of any merit to say.


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