Ghost Precht

A dumping ground for the inane...

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The vocal intended for the skewing

Since breaking the ‘Rather-gate’ mistake last year, Americablog has turned

its fight toward something a little less newsworthy and far more obvious. The writers on the blog, which had been my favorite blog to rummage through the news, have directed their attention on gay issues instead of the broader news spectrum.

When ‘Rather-gate,’ I love that everything is a ‘gate’ now a’days, broke

blogs became national heroes and their stock exploded. They started receiving traffic similar to and and were referred to as sources by many news channels for a variety of stories both breaking and otherwise. MSNBC and CNN even included a blog lookout portion to their daily broadcasts focusing on reading content from a variety of news blogs, mostly opinionated in nature, to allow for further marketability of blogs and to give the illusion that the networks were hip and with it. It was contrived, yes, and an obvious gambit to grasp at some key demos who had opted for the computer instead of the television screens, but it had a negative effect on the blogs themselves.

Much like the political figures they outed these blogs had the opportunity to

use their new celebrity to further their own personal ideals. For that ideal is homosexuality. For the past month the page has degenerated into a gay news mecca. Instead of producing and expelling the news the way they had in the past, the site has decided to take a far more selective look at the news. Tackling Microsoft’s gay-rights issues, the Chaney family and the now famous quest for Mayor West buttocks.

Instead of continuing to dig for news stories of merit on a near constant

basis, and being the prevailing defender of the small-yet-important news story, Americablog has turned into a source for gay news with the occasional dropping of other stories. Instead of hard hitting, aggressive posting of the news stories that the networks were willing to air because of their faux goal to remain non-partisan the site has decided to tackle subjects that the news networks don’t often air because a large amount of the country is anti-gay.

What’s more interesting, is the site’s identity theft of other strictly gay

news sites; too many to name. Instead of retaining their sterling physique of the overlooked and minuscule they’ve opted for the ‘popular, liberal,’ as many people call it, calling of the pro-gay platform.

The question can now be asked, is it that the agenda of the site had been

played all along and just needed the catalyst of popularity to better focus its intentions, or is it that because of its popularity it has altered its agenda to better suit a portion of its viewership and pull in more hits per day?


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