Ghost Precht

A dumping ground for the inane...

Thursday, January 06, 2005

And now begins the waiting game…

Ohh, the waiting game sucks, let’s play Hungry Hungry Hippos

My revised, and revised again resume and coverletter were sent out to the American Heart

Association yesterday afternoon. Mike, my boss and the guy who helped to give me contact information for people in the publications department down there and provided his services in the proofreading of both my resume and coverletter, told me this morning that the email went through. Told me that Heather, the publications department manager, received the message and would get back to me fairly soon. I sit here in the “PediaLink” conference room, stacks of papers to be compiled and bound at sitting behind me but standing before me, scared of what may happen. What will her response be and when will she respond? Patience is easy to talk and boost about but when there’s a life-changing situation lingering things become a little hazy. There’s work to be done, insurance paperwork that has yet to be filed (primarily because the people at the ICHIP Office are stupid as hell), bills to pay, and over foot-and-half of snow in my flatbed.

It’s this type of situation, ones were I can visualize and nearly obsess over how things will be if

something happens that tend not to work out. My hopes end up dashed, and I fear that may happen again. I may receive a message today or tomorrow saying that the AHA wasn’t impressed with my resume and don’t want to go through on an interview. Then again, things could be the inverse. I could board a flight for DFW Airport on the 21st to interview with them on the 22nd. Check out apartments that weekend with Payam and plan out our furniture needs depending on how well the interview goes. I’ll be nervous regardless. From now until I’m either rejected or accepted (even after that, in fact) I won’t be hungry and my sugar levels will be erratic. It’s hard not to have your hopes up when a change is not only wanted but necessary.


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