Ghost Precht

A dumping ground for the inane...

Thursday, December 30, 2004

I am being paid to sit on my ass

…and watch it get bigger

In an ever-expansive position as a temp my new job is to sit here, in front of my computer and do

“whatever”. Yes, that’s right, people currently have nothing for me to do, so I get to just sit here. Thus far, I have exhausted, my email accounts, and am currently bored with Myspace. is the next aim of my focus, and I’ll probably look over baseball schedules for the San Francisco Giants, I’ll be visiting a friend sometime soon and we want to make sure there’s a Cubs game while I’m there. Other than that, the gray walls of my cubical are pissing me off, and we’ve had words. People around me, there are none in this pod and only four in the pod to my right, are beginning to question my sanity. Stupid walls. Stop degrading “The Jeffersons” like that! It was a timeless show about striving to make it in the world! They were and did moooooove on up to the east side. The east side is the nicer side. Oo, there’s a rip in the fabric of time right in front of me. I’ll be thrown back to the Ming Dynasty.

Stupid imagination.


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