Ghost Precht

A dumping ground for the inane...

Monday, December 20, 2004

Personal Post-It Note

Lofty Aspirations

Some days I sit and fester out the bad things. I’m not sure why. The process leaves me sick to my

stomach, like I need to puke. I think about things that made me angry in the past, things that should just be let go, and they come right back to the for-front. There’s no reason why this happens. The past is the past. What made someone angry years ago shouldn’t be held over anyone’s head, let alone their own. Worst of all, most of these things are trivial. Pointless events that meant something at the time after being overblown and should be left shattered, used as pebbles to walk on instead of boulders to stack up. Experiences that affect but have no effect any more. Yet they’re there, for some reason. And I just need to learn to let them go.

My mind wanders when I stare at a computer screen for too long, and it needs to wander back to

the present. Yet, perhaps that’s a factor in me leaving. To get away from all those memories and all that crap without resolving anything. I think I would be a coward if I did that. Running without resolution is pointless, and I’ll have to force a face-to-face before February. Might as well get started now.


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