I don't agree that all Republicans are one way and that Democrats are another, but I do agree that those in the spot light are (or so they present themselves to be). It's just an interesting way of looking at things.
Message-wise, though, Moby's dead-on. The President is winning in the polls because he's coming out and saying, 'This is who I am, this is my plan, this is why I feel I can do a better job. This is what my opponent is saying, this is why I think he's wrong.'
Casting aside your personal feelings on the man, you have to admit that President Bush is saying all the right things, and that Sen. Kerry hasn't really SAID anything yet.
Jenna, you're dead on. Picking the candidate based on their political title is ridiculous. Book by it's cover? Yeah. I think that Moby should have prefaced his blog by explaining that 'the following does not represent all of those who belong to each political party, just the fanatical individuals who seem to be attached to the media by the hip'. If he had said that, I would completely agree with him. Those in the lime-light are either Ashley Simpson or Radiohead fans, as he puts it. But if you look at each party you'll find those who fit the opposite characterizations. Zell Miller? Crack-pot, Georgia governor. He would be an 'Ashley Simpson fan', but he's a democrat. The soft spoken Sen. McCain from Arizona. He would be a borderline 'Radiohead fan', but he's a republican.
I think it all boils down to my complete distain for political parties as a whole. They cause unnecessary rancor and separation between people solely based on a adjective they give themselves.
To Matthew's comment: Indeed, Bush is 'saying the right things'. Unfortunately, he's not doing what he is saying. During his speech at the RNC the president explained what he's going to do over the next four years. These are the same things, just about, that he said he would do over the last four years. What happened with all of those things? Did he forget about them? Oh yeah, all those talk points that I used during the last election. I completely forgot to fulfill them. He's feeding the masses what they want. Substanceless, hollow promises and self-serving, ego-boosting comments about patriotism.
That, and sucking up to all you insane Texans. There's seriously something wrong with you people. Including you, David. You cowboy-hat-wearing, country-music-loving freak.
At 8:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
Message-wise, though, Moby's dead-on. The President is winning in the polls because he's coming out and saying, 'This is who I am, this is my plan, this is why I feel I can do a better job. This is what my opponent is saying, this is why I think he's wrong.'
Casting aside your personal feelings on the man, you have to admit that President Bush is saying all the right things, and that Sen. Kerry hasn't really SAID anything yet.
At 8:18 AM,
David Precht said…
Jenna, you're dead on. Picking the candidate based on their political title is ridiculous. Book by it's cover? Yeah. I think that Moby should have prefaced his blog by explaining that 'the following does not represent all of those who belong to each political party, just the fanatical individuals who seem to be attached to the media by the hip'. If he had said that, I would completely agree with him. Those in the lime-light are either Ashley Simpson or Radiohead fans, as he puts it. But if you look at each party you'll find those who fit the opposite characterizations. Zell Miller? Crack-pot, Georgia governor. He would be an 'Ashley Simpson fan', but he's a democrat. The soft spoken Sen. McCain from Arizona. He would be a borderline 'Radiohead fan', but he's a republican.
I think it all boils down to my complete distain for political parties as a whole. They cause unnecessary rancor and separation between people solely based on a adjective they give themselves.
To Matthew's comment: Indeed, Bush is 'saying the right things'. Unfortunately, he's not doing what he is saying. During his speech at the RNC the president explained what he's going to do over the next four years. These are the same things, just about, that he said he would do over the last four years. What happened with all of those things? Did he forget about them? Oh yeah, all those talk points that I used during the last election. I completely forgot to fulfill them. He's feeding the masses what they want. Substanceless, hollow promises and self-serving, ego-boosting comments about patriotism.
At 5:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
That, and sucking up to all you insane Texans. There's seriously something wrong with you people. Including you, David. You cowboy-hat-wearing, country-music-loving freak.
At 8:31 PM,
David Precht said…
Hey, you can insult me all you want, but not Rascal Flats. I love dem boys, or some junk.
Now, where mah boots at?
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