Ghost Precht

A dumping ground for the inane...

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Randomness Resides Before Me

I’ve begun to miss the psuedo-cemented schedule that school created. You go to school

from August to December, take a break for a month and return from January to May. Then you get a giant summer vacation. I really took that for granted. If you wanted to miss a day of class to gain back all the sleep you’ve missed out on because of studying and extra-curricular activities, you can and you won’t miss much. Here, I missed a day a month ago because I was sick and had to work overtime the day I got back to get caught up on the work I didn’t complete on the day I missed. Them’s the breaks. Accept them and move on.

There was so much time off back then, and all we wanted was more time off. “Man, I

really need this Spring Break to happen right now. I’m burnt out.” But we weren’t burnt out, we just weren’t aware of what burnt out meant. We were never sure what it meant to work over fifty hours in a week and work just about every weekday of the year except for a week for winter holidays and a singular weeks long vacation that you’re able to take. Now I look at my calendar and I realize that the only vacation time I’m taking the next four months will be flying in two weeks to Chicago for my sister’s graduation and flying out to Minnesota in June for my sister’s wedding, and those take place over a weekend. That’s life though. It happens, and you accept it and move on.

We all know that it’s coming. It’s just a matter of recognizing it and either accepting

or running.


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