Ghost Precht

A dumping ground for the inane...

Monday, April 25, 2005

Not what I'd like to be hearing today. What did I say about the Dark Ages returning? Yeah, if this isn't a sign of things to come, I don't know what is. If you know students at Trinity International University in Deerfield, IL, 'inform them' that what they're doing isn't very Christian. Last time I checked Christ’s teachings were of acceptance and fellowship. I guess to these students it meant fellowship as long as your white, Christian and dating a white person. And please, don't tell me this isn't a Christian issue. This is a Christian University with students who are Christians.


  • At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "Most of what I see is good Christian character," said Peter Hilden, 23, a senior in pastoral studies. "My only fear is we'll be characterized by one bad apple."

  • At 9:44 AM, Blogger David Precht said…

    Or growing numbers of them?

    This is the same fate that has befallen Muslims. Aren't they all terrorists? No. The vast majority of Muslims around the world live peacefully and are terrified, condemming the terrorist acts of other fanatical Muslims.

    But that's what we focus on, the great and the horrible. Like a baby surviving a trainwreck. We always look at the poles and base everything on them instead of looking at the whole picture.

  • At 10:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    exactly. the majority of christians live peacefully and don't condone that sort of behavior.
    and that quote was referring to the one bad apple on that particular campus- the person who sent those letters.

  • At 12:11 PM, Blogger David Precht said…

    Yes, I agree, but the growth of those fanatical Christians is astounding.


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