Ghost Precht

A dumping ground for the inane...

Monday, April 25, 2005

CBS loves Dave Chappelle.

"He walked out of the room after the meeting, and he accused the network of racism. 'It was racist. Look, I don't think these people sit around their house and call black people 'n-----s' and all this kind of thing,' says Chappelle. 'But the idea that, unless I have white people around me on my show, that it's unwatchable or doesn't have a universal appeal, is racist. You know? They don't make them put black people on 'Friends.' Or they don't make them put black people on 'Seinfeld.' But all of a sudden I get in the room, and it's like, 'Where's all the white people?'"

Where are the Persians factoring in on this?


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