Ghost Precht

A dumping ground for the inane...

Friday, February 18, 2005

Come arrest me, my words are poisoning the country

Me? I’m a pacifist, but if the government asked me to join the army to attack people, I guess I’d have to do it. It’s frightening but true, and sad.


Interestingly enough, Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that Iran has no intention of

pursuing a nuclear weapons program. He should know, after all, his government is currently assisting Iran in the building of a nuclear reactor. Just one. They’re not building multiple reactors one of which could possibly, and at great expense, be retrofitted and engineered into a uranium enriching, bomb making facility. They are constructing a nuclear reactor. You know, to power things like light bulbs. Sure, after the process of building the reactor the Iranian government could turn around and build more, but everyone in the world know; and, the cost would be far more then they could handle, they’re already trying to quash a mass revolution among the youth of the country who believe that the government is corrupt and are full capable of doing things correctly this revolution around (like that? I came up with that on my own). Countries all around the world have a careful eye on Iran and other countries (Korea and Pakistan being countries who already have the bomb if not bombs) who are currently building such reactors. If any of them decided to re-engineer one of those facilities it would be around the world in a matter of seconds. At that point governments will step in to stop them. Preemptive strikes are only warranted when the nation you’re attacking has the ability to do ‘something’ to someone else or their own people, not that they may have the ability to do something ten years from now. There’s such a thing of being too paranoid, and the U.S. is nowhere near paranoid. This isn’t the Red Scare. We’re not arresting people because they could corrupt the fabric of this country. This is just the pursuit of global domination by way of restructuring the rest of the world in accordance to how we do things. It’s the forcing of democracy on people who “aren’t free.” But to what end. The Vatican isn’t democratic, are we going to impose our structure on them soon too because they don’t believe in our same mold. Their leader wears a funny hat, he could house bombs in his hat for all we know. It really has nothing to do with “freedom,” that’s just the smoke and mirrors. The real magician is poised to control everything because they believe they have the God-given right. And they’re wrong. They’re just dooming themselves further.

I wonder when the U.S. will figure out that we don’t have the best government in the world and

that we should probably restructure ourselves soon before we start having problems here, among our own people.


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