Young Men Never Learn or Change Their Ways
As it stands, Sinclair Broadcasting Group - "the nation's largest owner of television stations,
many of them in electoral swing states," - will be airing the 'film' "Stolen Honor: Wounds that Never Heal", an obviously slanted 'documentary' about Senator Kerry's war record. Sinclair seems to think that this 'fact-based film' is less of an attack on Kerry and more like news. 'News' that is 30 years old.
Why all the quotes? None of this is proven. None of it is ‘fact-based reporting’. They took the
Michael Moore Road, interview a bunch of people and use only those segments that fit with his agenda. An agenda that was so close to what Sinclair is attempting to do that it almost seems as like hypocrisy; which, it is. On “Fahrenheit 9/11”’s release republicans were outraged. They went on news shows talking about how the documentary was “completely false” and an effort to destroy the president’s credibility and record. Moore’s response, hadn’t I made it clear enough, of course it is. He owned up to his intentional bashing of the president for his actions over the past three and three-quarter years. Sinclair refuses to do that. They believe that what their doing is right, and that makes no sense. The main difference between the Sinclair Group and Moore is that Moore released his documentary in theaters while Sinclair is essentially forcing people to watch. You had to pay to see Moore’s film. You had to make an effort to drive to the movie theater, buy a ticket and watch the thing. Sinclair’s situation is totally different. These are network television stations airing propaganda. The people have no choice but to watch.
More importantly, why wasn't this 'film' aired earlier or during Kerry's run for Senator of
Massachusetts? It's way too convenient. And more over it is, in fact, politically motivated and the Democrats should have their chance to air something similar. What Sinclair is doing is wrong. It's so wrong, in fact, that many of their stations refuse to air the documentary and are now drowning in Sinclair’s hot water themselves. No one knows if a democrat or just someone with a shred of common sense runs those stations. They just don’t want to air the damn thing.
So, now that I’ve severely jumped around and turned a well-thought piece of writing into mish-
At 8:04 AM,
David Precht said…
Yeah, so, I screwed up writing this. I'll do a rewrite later on. Blah.
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