Ghost Precht

A dumping ground for the inane...

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

I'm an Adult Most of the Time

The office is dead. It's one fifteen and I'm the only one here. I like it. Although I am abusing my

time writing a blog it still feels calm. New guy Andy went to lunch to find something to fill his gabbing mouth and I have my office alone. It's only day two of the shared confinement issue has been created, but the rot-gut feeling had been building ever since I found out that my office would be shared with a guy like Andy. I don't want to say anything disparaging about him right now, however, other than his ability to talk at great lengths at an intolerable volume (In the true use of the word: not only is he loud, his voice fills the room. There's a great deal of density in decibels in this office now.) Anything else wouldn't be fair. I don't know him very well. Haven't given him the chance to show me what kind of a person he is. So, I'll see about that. As it stands, I'm not judging at all but heavily weighing his attributes. Does that qualify as judging? I don't think so. There's a difference between making a decision about how you feel about a person than outright judging a person.

That's about it. People will be showing up shortly from their lunch break, and I need to start

listening to the Killers before then.


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