Ghost Precht

A dumping ground for the inane...

Sunday, October 31, 2004

This message is IMPORTANT!

My name is David Faroz Precht. I am not a Democrat. I am not a Republican. I am neither liberal nor conservative nor green nor libertarian. I am just me, David Faroz Precht. Now, with that said. I would like to say something regarding what will happen in two days.

A lot of people have been pegging this as the most important election of our lifetime. Pundits tell us that both major candidate stand for very different things and offer two completely world and domestic views with little parallel. Then again, the pundits will say just about anything. They have their sway and their nudge toward their political beliefs in plain view. Fox News for Bush and CNN for Kerry; MSNbc being fairly on the fence, yet leaning more toward Kerry. These are obvious things. They are not the important things, however. What is important are the facts.

So, basically, what I'm getting at is this, this election is exceptionally important and every single citizen of this country should vote. Actually, that's not what I'm getting at. That's an obvious statement. What isn't obvious is that when you vote you should have a good reason to be voting for the person to whom you are placing your vote. None of that, "He seems like such a good guy," or, "He's against one topic that I believe fundamentally wrong but for a hell of a lot of things I'm against, yet I'm still voting for him based on that one issue." Because the truth of the matter is that you're not going to agree with every single point that someone has to make. That's a fact. And that one issue, albeit important, should not be the reason you place your vote for that singular person. It's important to be informed. It's important to know the facts. If you disregard both of those things then you're not making a choice your a sheep.

Before you get or when you get to the booth on Tuesday make sure that you're making a choice based on information that you have invested time into not just talking point or the political slants of people in suits on the television. What do they know about what you believe in? They don't know you. Which means that they have no right to push you one way or the other.

That's it. I'm not telling you or asking you to vote for one candidate or the other. Just make an informed choice, and choose for yourself who your next president will be.


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