Ghost Precht

A dumping ground for the inane...

Monday, August 16, 2004

I do not have a giant head

Today saw a rise of office supplies. My boss' brought in four Target bags full of supplies for Mellisa

and I to "have fun with" as well as a splitter for the phones and a promiss of file cabinets tomorrow. Now each of us have our own telephone line and organizational stuff. Yet, the most important item was a red Swingline stapler which they gave to me with a smile.

Rebekah: "Here ya go, Milton."

David/Milton: "I'll burn the building down."

Lastly, this isn't a very impressive post by any stretch. Tonight I'll have to spend some more time

writing a post with a point instead of mindless jabbering. Don't get me wrong, I am all about mindless jabbering. I just don't see the point when there may be people who read this. They may even think to themselves, "Did I leave the oven on?"


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