Ghost Precht

A dumping ground for the inane...

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Big Ass Coffee Mug

Thus begins my second day on the job. Things are beginning to feel natural, oddly enough. Quite

honestly, I thought that it would take a while longer to get my bearings, but as the environment is very welcoming and my employers have laid out their business plan very clearly for us, it has become difficult to make things appear difficult. I mean, the job isn't the easiest in the world, but by no means will I be losing sleep over the placement of a senior biopharmaceutical tech. Acquiring the generalized ability to screen out the wrong candidate for a job and focus in on the right is something that may be innate or learned. As it stands, I'm not sure where I stand. Things feel natural but that could just be because of the environment. My own personal deception field, as it were. I hope not though. Would like to be able to continue on with this company for as long as possible; as I've gotten on at the ground floor.


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