The Indomitable Actions of…
Gary Sheffield was on Quite Frankly yesterday talking about steroids and
fights between athletes and fans. When asked about the Ron Artest brawl, he said that the decision to kick him out for the year was unfair. He went on to say that having Artest out of the game hurts his family more than anyone, suggesting that without being paid for the year Artest's family would be in financial duress. Yes, that's what will happen. After he squanders the millions of dollars he made playing basketball over the past few years and the profit from the CD that he helped release he'll be left with nothing.
What were his kids to do last year? They're already in rags. Artest should
have been kicked out of the game forever. His family doesn't need millions of dollars to survive, and Gary Sheffield is a jerk.
What's worse the that? The fact that he suggested that he never did
steroids. Really? Did he lie to a court room full of people? Did he lie to reporters before the season began when he told that outright that he had used a clear cream, but he didn't know what it was. It was steroids, you dumb jerk! You used them! Admit it!
This said, I feel obligated to discuss the matter of Jason Giambi. Giambi was
indicted in the same steroid case as Sheffield. He admitted to doing steroids in front of a court, and was to be booed by fans and the media alike for what he did. Not soon after this information was leaked, Giambi "allowed" the media to interview him on camera and held a press conference. At the press conference he apologized for what he did, and that he was sorry, felt bad for the fans who he disrespected. The media sat there and gushed. They thought he was abused and wronged. Everyone suddenly respected him all of a sudden after he admitted to doing "something." The problem is, he never admitted to doing steroids to the public. Some say that it was obvious what he was talking about. They say that the reason they forgive him is because his elusiveness wasn't as bad as it could be.
As it stands right now, Giambi has gained a whole lot of weight, and is bigger
right now than he was earlier in the season, by a lot. Yet, the fans and the media outlets are standing about applauding him. "He's the comeback story of the year." HE CHEATED! What the hell is this? I had no idea that people would be so completely retarded about this whole situation. He did something wrong, never admitted to it publically and now he's beloved by all. It's stupid, and wrong.
Giambi is nothing more than a jackass who took a good long piss on the game
At 4:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
The media didn't sit there and gush. They asked him what he was specifically apologizing for, and he wouldn't say.
Now he's pissing all over the ball. With golden sunshine. Of pee.
At 9:11 AM,
David Precht said…
And he's 50 pounds bigger than he was at the start of the season. The point is, there's an unjust belief that Yankees can do no wrong, while everyone else is the devil.
Giambi and Sheffield did wrong, but not in the eyes of Yankee fans. They're just winners.
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