Ghost Precht

A dumping ground for the inane...

Friday, April 15, 2005

When the Bible isn’t good enough, perfect humans step in

Think heathens abound at your daughter's school? Then you should get her a subscription to Teen Virtue. That's right! Teen Virtue the magazine that tells your kids what to do.

I'm confused, isn't the Bible supposed to be the source for all moral clarity, and not a

magazine by people who believe that they know everything. When did we become some perfect? When did God come down and tell us that we’re doing everything right, and nothings wrong? It hasn’t happened because things aren’t wonderful! Things aren’t perfect. Religion is supposed to present answers to all questions. If you’re wondering what you should do regarding your kids, read the Bible. If your kids are questioning what they should do about the kids who are getting pregnant they should read the Bible. If you want your kids to continue to strive toward “good Christian values” then you should get them involved in the community. Giving them a magazine and telling them to read it will do nothing. Consultation about things gives people a better understanding not a magazine telling them what to do. The last thing we need is a group of people who believe they are the moral police telling your kids what is right and wrong and what fashions Jesus would have approved for this summer. How do they know “What Jesus Would Do”? They don’t.

My favorite quote from this article is, “Courtney chose the book's magazine-style

format in the hopes of encouraging Christian girls to bring it to school with them and share it with their non-Christian friends.” Of course, don’t give non-Christians anything with substance and meaning. Give them a magazine loosely based on “Christian values”. Great idea. Wonder why so many Christians no so little about their own religion. This is why.


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