Ghost Precht

A dumping ground for the inane...

Thursday, April 14, 2005


And further boredom sets in, as my ass gets numb. I’ve visited my regular sites for the

day several times over. Even added a few more to my repertoire. Drank water. Listened to music. Photoshopped Vafa’s face onto three separate bodies; my favorite is the ninja. These new contacts are bothering me, I feels like there’s something in them or that I’m severely allergic to something. That itching, burning, tearing up has remained in my ocular cavities all day. It’s what happens when while I’m here, all day long. I suppose the best course of action would be to go to a doctor and have it checked out along with my diabetes; haven’t had a regular check with for months, not good. The only issue is money; I don’t have it. After spending what little I had on glasses and soon more on contacts I’m not sure that I’ll have enough to eat, live, drive and go to the doctor, so I’m trying to bide my time. Trying to take care of myself as best I can, except for when I run out of insulin because these pen needles that I got suck like today, I’m five units low right now. It’s not a great feeling, but it’s one I’ll have to live with for the time being. As I’m sitting here, doing nothing for the next few hours. Perhaps I’ll just leave early again, at around four to ensure that I’m able to get my taxes done tonight and relax a bit before the baseball game. I suppose that just made up my mind for me.


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