The beginning of the collapse
I'll never understand the hypocrisy that lives in Washington. Since the Terri Schaivo
incident broke and Congress people and Senators were attempting to prevent the passing of Mrs. Schaivo there has been this air of insanity looming over Washington. Now, that insanity has turned into something a lot more visceral and impending. With comments by Senator John Cornyn it has become apparent that violence and bloodshed is necessary for the vindication of Mrs. Schaivo’s death. Really? Wow. I had no idea that Senators had that authority; to explain that the killing of judges for their rulings would be justified because a few people disagreed with them. Fantastic. Is this the Middle Ages where the church told its patrons that it would be ok to kill a few Muslim or non-believers? That it was all justified. How is this justified? Killing someone for disagreeing.
So, my question is this: what about the people who disagree with this Senator? Do we
have the authority to go out and kill him because of this disagreement? Is that how we’re going to handle things now? Martial law? Thing is, I really don’t like George W. Bush, so does that mean I would be justified in attempting to murder him simply because I disagree with his decisions? After all, he’s sent people to war to have them killed. It was as indirect as the judges who passed on their rulings on the Schaivo case. Hell no. None of that makes any sense. There are going to be disagreements every day, that doesn’t justify the murdering of people.
Point is this man’s comments are going to start a ripple effect that may just keeps
growing. If it’s ok to kill a judge for disagreeing with the a few Americans, what happens when traffic tickets go to court? Or murder victims? This only provides justification for the actions of crazy people, and that’s a problem. This guy needs to apologize, quickly to insure that violence doesn’t just break out, and our fingers will rightly be pointed squarely at him.
P.S. - Then this comes out. Hey, great idea, gather up your Christian 'soldiers' to take on the judges. Rally up the troops and storm the courthouses. Killing someone is fine as long as you're justified by some Senator who is obviously insane or clergy members. This is not going to end well at all.
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