I find this article puzzling.
I have a problem with the theory of evolution. Yeah, I bet you didn't know that. Most people have told me that I have to believe in the theory, that it is fact. Truth is, kinda.
More and more, for some reason, I heard about people making some really insane claims about the
state of affairs in the world of the sciences. This revival of the old world mentality that the theory of evolution if completely wrong because in the Bible it never mentioned evolution. It didn't? Hmm, I thought that was the whole point of the stories. What I thought was that the stories in the Bible were to explain to those who read it what lessons were learned in the past, and what changes and growth humans had made. That they served to describe how man was corrupted by material wealth and the praising of idols, and the like, and how we progressed. That's always what I thought. So, if this is true, if the Bible does paint a vivid picture of the growth of humanity, then how does evolution not exist? Confused? All right. Evolution is the theories that over millions of years positive progression takes place; birds grow wings to fly away from predators, certain types of cockroach grow wings to do the same and to reach food while other types of cockroach don’t. That living things progress from point A to point Omega. If that's the definition how can anyone say that evolution does not exist? The Bible shows our "evolution" from the time of Abraham to the times of Jesus. Wouldn't you say there was some positive progression made? I would. I'd even dare to say that we evolved culturally, mentally and spiritually. Looking at where we are right now, I'd say that we evolved even further than where the Bible left off. That we've taken steps in positive directions, most of the time, to arrive closer to that Omega destination; where ever that may take us.
With that said, I'd like to expound (because I'm so great, or some crap) my beliefs of the evolution
of mankind. Do I believe that we came from “monkeys”? Probably not so much. Do I believe that we evolved from "lesser beings"? Sure. We have to have. Even the Bible suggests that we are made of dust and ash. Right? So, there's an obvious evolutionary process that took place for us to get from dust and ash to flesh. However, that doesn’t end at “we evolved from monkeys”. No, it can’t be that simple. What I’m thinking is that we evolved from a single line; a single line (line meaning general genetic make-up) that was destined to reach the point where we find ourselves currently and to continue on evolving. I also believe that this line has always had a soul, was created with a soul, and was the only creature (and currently we are the only living things on this Earth) ever to live that has had a soul. Does that rule out the Bible’s teachings that God created us in his image? No. Does that rule out the theory of evolution? No. It lands smack in the middle. Which is where most of the answers to the easy questions we ask ourselves lie.
But that’s just what I believe.
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