Parts of a letter to a friend...
"I agree to a point on what you've said about letting go. This is me letting go. While I was in Haifa, Dr. Khan told our pilgrim group that keeping things inside wasn't the best idea, yeah, but that didn't end with grudges and piddling crap like that. He told us that the best way to deal with practically anything that could not be handled or controlled or issues of forgiveness should be to meditate upon them. But not the way we meditate upon prayers or the Writings. Instead, meditate on letting go, on letting God take care of it for you, on taking the problem and casting it into the Ocean (By the way, I find it amazing that while on pilgrimage the simplest, easiest pieces of advice are always more impactful than they are anywhere else. Like, "When you fall down, get back up." How did that become my mantra while I was there? It's so simple that I should have been thinking about it my whole life, but it all becomes heavier when you're on Mount Carmel.) and never dwelling on it again.
"That's kind of what I'm trying to do here. Trying to relieve myself of my burdens (my box) so I can get back to the focuses of being happy and loving God and humanity. That's why I spent so much time at the House of Worship saying prayers and burying my forehead into the ground. …yes, you helped out a lot as I loved spending time with you discussing points of Faith and personal triumphs, medical scares and lows."
"No, my problems aren't so big. I'm alive, I love my family and friends, my life is getting back on track and the Faith is the most important thing to me again. And when I say it I don't feel guilty. Also, I'm smiling a lot, and it's not forced. So, yeah. Thanks for listening though, and for the wishing of good luck. I really appreciate it. I hope it doesn't seem like I've unburdened myself on you alone because there are people who know about my lying, but not so much the boredom issue. Also, you're right, this weekend it was this, next weekend it's something else. Truthfully though, I think that's okay as long as I remember that I shouldn't "dwell on the unpleasant things of life" and that there's a giant Ocean out there willing to absorb the stupid things that are in my life so I won't have to be so burdened by them."
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