An email to my boss that was never sent
Since I wasn't going to be paid for the Thanksgiving break I decided to spend
as much time as I would normally working; knocking my hours for the week up again to 40. This apparently raised an eyebrow or two. Why would I be working on Thanksgiving? Shouldn't I be enjoying my time with friends and family? Sure, I would have loved to. Problem is if I don't work, I don't eat. That's a pretty big issue in my head. See, since I didn't get paid for Thanksgiving break, I have to make up those hours. If I don't make them up, I'm not within my budget. If I'm not within my budget, I starve. See how this works? It's not complicated. I don't get a salary like other people who work here. I don't even get the kind of respect most temps here do as you've decided to require that I submit an hourly report as to what I do every day. I have to work the hours. It's just that simple.
Regarding this report as to what I do every day, I would suggest that you
learn a little more about management and a lot less about slave labor. I'm not interested in working for someone, as no one would, who has - after nearly a year of solid, quality work - little to no respect or trust in me and my abilities. Honestly, you're making this decision I'm working on a lot easier to make.
Lastly, to the idea that I need for you to coach me in my ‘time management’
is laughable. I am currently under worked. I never have anything to do. You stripped the few responsibilities I had away from me months ago, and have yet to supply any kind of work to fulfill the time. Most days I sit here and wait for something to be shot my way; which, I finish quickly and email back. Perhaps what really needs to be learned is the concept of management skills. When you have a temp sitting here, doing next to nothing the opportunity presents itself to delegate part of your work load to someone else, freeing you up for some breathing room. That’s how this works. When you have a temp you don’t try to keep everything for yourself. That’s not managing, that’s hording. Learn that we should be working together, in tandem, to arrive at the same goal, not to be berated, disrespected and ignored so that all credit lands in your lap.
Thank you,
David Faroz Precht
At 7:27 AM,
David Precht said…
No doubt.
At 4:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sometimes it's better to write something, get all that out on paper, and not send it. Sometimes, though, it's better to get into a screaming match with someone.... your call.
At 8:04 PM,
David Precht said…
I've heard it might be a good idea to release several vampire-babies.
At 10:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
true... just be careful not to let them get caught in your hair!
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