Ghost Precht

A dumping ground for the inane...

Monday, July 18, 2005

Bring Forth the Precious Hatemail

It’s not as much a vile display of negativity, but an observation of what happens during the summer

The office has become a wash of laughter and general, ruckus behavior since

summer’s broiling rays descended on the city. Women carry on loud conversations about reality show plots and prattle numbingly the unfairness of their outfits and shoe collections. They have brought in more food to ensure that at no moment will their mouths ever be empty, especially while giving presentations, loudly, and lumbering about talking about their ballooning waistline. Where does this leave me? Well, as I’m in the center of this clustering of social overactivity, I’m stuck to sit and watch them move by with their third slice of cake or several boxes of Lean Cuisine stacked like their towering cholesterol. When will the fall come to present unto me fewer complaints about their sheets sticking to them while they slept or their broken air condition or fans? I think overeating has something to do with erratic sleep patterns. Sleep patterns that this summer has brought on these people. That or they just love to eat or something.


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