Ghost Precht

A dumping ground for the inane...

Monday, April 11, 2005

Virtual Reality and then some

Sony is working on the technology to create a video game that sends data directly to the

brain by "firing pulses of ultrasound" at brain neurons. Yes, it is being compared to The Matrix. Yes, this is weird.

Currently in the theory faze, Sony has made it public knowledge that they are investing

tons in this new form of gaming. The idea is that the pulses reorient neurons and create realistic settings, similar to virtual realty, but have the environment exist in your head. No longer will you have to pretend that the game your in is a reality, it will really be happening in your head. Sights and smells would give way to touch and probably taste, as the environment will be designed to screw with your brain patterns. No, this isn't something involving some weird surgery (yet); however, it stills seems a bit strange to me. I mean, I'm already dumb as hell, I don't need ultrasound pulses to manipulate my brain patterns more.

This is cool, but really quite frightening. I'm foreseeing some practical applications as a

virtual simulator with some major issues developing around kids not wanting to stop the "experience". "Live in your world, play in ours" was the slogan Sony was using a few years ago. I guess they're trying to alter that line a bit in the future, "live in our world, play in our world," die of starvation because of your inability to separate fantasy from reality. I have that problem as it is, I don’t need a video game to further the issue. Kind of nihilistic, sorry, but these things could become a reality, and that’s frightening.


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