Ghost Precht

A dumping ground for the inane...

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Dumb that down a little

Happiness is an extended conversation with a point

Since I’ve been here I haven’t been all that challenged by much. People or otherwise.

I’ve been annoyed, pissed off, stupefied and confused but never actually challenged. I’m still looking for that friend out here who will wet my intellectual whistle. That sounds so arrogant of me, I know, but I’m serious. I present myself in certain ways to make it easier for the person I’m speaking with to feel comfortable. It’s one of those necessary adjustments that I make in conversation so as not to insult people. Again, it sounds like I’m engrossingly pompous, but I’m being serious. And this is not to say that I’m more intelligent than all my friends either, or even that I am more intelligent than the situations that have been presented before me. Instead, I would suggest that the situation stems from the different types of intelligences that present themselves in the world. My skills are of a certain ilk and others are specific to them.

Currently, and for the past hour, I’ve been carrying on a conversation via email with a

woman here at the office. The conversation has been me making jokes, her laughing and offering up more fuel for me to joke. I enjoy the situation as I’m able to turn things around and quip it up with someone, but I’m getting little more than fuel in return. Sometimes, I like to be insulted and prodded. It’s a bit sick, some might say, but never-the-less the truth. I enjoy a good jab just as I enjoy giving a good jab. It’s another reason why sometimes I become down on myself in certain situations. Remaining unchallenged leaves me unmotivated and depressed, and I have yet to find an outlet where I’m constantly able to challenge myself.

The most ironic and stupid on my part thing is that I never become amazing at anything

that I attempt, so I become a pseudo-jack of some trades. But, like I said, I get bored, and can never retain concentration for long enough to become very good at any one thing. Blarg. That’s enough out of me for the day. Bye.


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