Ghost Precht

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Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Day of Silence Bashed

I disagree with homosexuality. I don't think it's right, I do think that it's wrong. I do

not, however, promote hate-crimes or the harassment of gay people. This is because of my religious beliefs; however, it is wrong to denigrate a people for any reason whatsoever. Many Christians' belief that you can chaste the gay right out of people is fundamentally flawed. Shouldn't you be trying to allow gays to recognize the other way of life, and show them that, perhaps, this way work out a little better? Sounds like I'm dancing around the topic, sure, but really it's no one's decision to help these people save the person and God. I've never understood how Christians believe they're just in committing hateful acts against gays as it's only making things worse.

A perfect example of this is the newly created "Day of Truth", an arrogant and mislead

attempt to quell homosexuality by telling them that they're wrong and those practicing this "Day of Truth" are right. Of course! Ignorance will solve everything! As well, insulting the way they live will make them sympathetic to your beliefs. Right? WRONG! That's wrong. Remember how horrible the Spanish Inquisition was? That period in time when the church arrested thousands of non-Christians in an attempt to force them to "convert." Some of the greatest atrocities ever witnessed took place there. Thousands of Jews and Muslims were needlessly slaughtered because the Catholics were "right." Of course they were right. God hates non-Christians, he even said it in the Bible. You know, in that passage that doesn't exist. Yeah, that one. It's right there. All you have to do is open your eyes and read it. Maybe it is there, and only Christians can read it. A sort of invisible ink for those who are "right". That's just insane.

Since 1996, gay groups began the “Day of Silence” in an attempt to raise awareness of

strife against gays everywhere. The event wasn’t created to turn people gay, force people to become gay or even to celebrate homosexual behavior. Instead, it was “a tactic for drawing attention to the isolation and harassment experienced by many gay students”. The goal was to get other students to recognize that any hateful action you take is wrong. And those students are right! Hateful, malicious actions are wrong. Yet, the Alliance Defense Fund, a Christian legal group disagrees. They believe that the youth are being brainwashed by gays.

To combat the evil gay armies, like the Crusades (Yes, I’m aware that these are totally

different events as the Crusades were created to stop Muslims from settling in, what is now, Israel, and in no way can this be compared to the thousands killed during the Crusades; I used it for dramatic effect, you know.), the Alliance Defense Fund created the “Day of Truth”. Now, a “Day of Truth” representative made this comment, “Johnson said the event is meant to be ‘peaceful and respectful,’ but made clear it is motivated by belief that homosexuality is wrong. ‘You can call it sinful or destructive — ultimately it’s both,’ he said.” Oh, telling students that being gay is sinful and destructive should quell any violent behavior that stems from this. Yeah, right! Instead, this will cause a huge backlash in the gay community. You think you’re frightened of gay people now, just wait.

Thanks Alliance Defense Fund, you’ve screwed it up for the people who were trying to

help gays, those who are participating in the Day of Silence, instead of shaming them straight like y’all have proposed. And we all know how well that worked during the Spanish Inquisition and with the mass conversions of Pagans. Oh, wait, you lied to the Pagans and adapted their beliefs into your own creating a religion of blasphemy. My fault.


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