Ghost Precht

A dumping ground for the inane...

Thursday, April 28, 2005

All students attending the Odessa, Texas high school will be required to take a Bible class.

What I'm not understanding here is how these people can claim that what their doing is 'American' but to have me suggest that isn't is 'UnAmerican' even 'Anti-American.' Do these people own books? Do they know anything about the history of the United States? Puritans came here to flee religious oppression, and they included a separation of church of state for that very reason. They didn't want to repeat what happened in England. The church gains control in the government and forces it’s doctrines on others. Yeah, that didn’t work all to well. I seem to recall a few uprisings, people getting really pissed off about having their religious freedoms ignored. I guess the people of Odessa just 'plum forgot' about that whole thing. We came here to get away from Christian zealots? Not us. We came here to force our religious doctrines on others because we're the majority. That's just ridiculous. Oh, and it’s unconstitutional.

Actually, I think the best part of the article resides in this statement, ‘How can students understand Leonardo da Vinci's 'Last Supper' or Handel's 'Messiah' if they don't understand the reference from which they came?’ Yeah, that's the reason you're doing this, so that kids can understand references in art, and not at all to force kids to learn about Christianity. You've got to be kidding me.


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