Ghost Precht

A dumping ground for the inane...

Monday, March 28, 2005

Don’t mind the guy on the other side of the wall

If he’s loud we’ll release the hounds

About half hour ago, while in a meeting with Heather two women moved fluidly into the

cube behind me. One of the women begins to explain how the computer is set up for her to use, but the phones will take another day or so to hook up. Heather and I looked at each other. The women then talks about how she needs to go get her some canned air to blow the dust off the desk, to clean up a bit. Heather leans in and says that the woman speaking is from Membership something, and asks if I was told that someone would be moving in. I say ‘no.’ The other woman then thanks her, and the primary talking woman beelines out of the cube; she doesn’t make any eye contact with either Heather nor I (we’re staring right at her).

Now, I’m confused. I know that I’m still ‘just a temp,’ but shouldn’t I be told that

someone is going to be sitting in the cube behind me before she moves in? The woman who sat at that desk, Pat, knew a week before when I was coming in. She had time to prepare. I mean it’s not absolutely necessary. Just courteous. Not only this, but the woman who now sits behind me has yet to utter a word. She hasn’t said hello or opened her mouth audibly enough for me to hear. It’s just kind of weird.

I have this feeling that the week is going to tangent in about a hundred different

directions, and I’m going to look confused for most of it. Maybe I should start drinking tea in the mornings to give me a quick but small injection of caffeine before I get here to be befuddled but the goings on.


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