Ghost Precht

A dumping ground for the inane...

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

President still thinkin'

Since he can't seem to stop price gauging, gas prices went up ten cents last night for some reason, The New York Times reports that the President is suggesting that we drive less. For the country that was weaned on cars; maybe take some public transportation. You know, the public transportation that doesn't exist in most areas and sucks everywhere else. Yeah, that public transportation.

"Mr. Bush promised to dip further into the government's petroleum reserve, if necessary, and to continue relaxing environmental and transportation rules in an effort to get more gasoline flowing."

That's much better than dealing with the issue, right? Destroy the environment even more than we alread do and put stress on the worst public transportation system on the planet.

In another genius stroke the President suggested that to conserve bullets gangs and War Lords in Iraq should shoot people less.


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