Ghost Precht

A dumping ground for the inane...

Thursday, June 23, 2005

President Bush hates nerds. He mocks and sneers at their obvious greatness, but who's laughing now? That's right. Bush is. He is, after all, the President of the United States of America after being a C student, a cocaine addict, and a alcoholic. HE'S BETTER THAN NERDS! He will dunk their heads in the toilet and flush for using such big words and having PhDs!

This quote struck me as truly...retarded:

"I appreciate the Secretary of Energy joining me today. He's a good man, he knows a lot about the subject, you'll be pleased to hear. I was teasing him -- he taught at MIT, and -- do you have a PhD?"


THE PRESIDENT: "Yes, a PhD. (Laughter.) Now I want you to pay careful attention to this -- he's the PhD, and I'm the C student, but notice who is the advisor and who is the President. (Laughter and applause.)"

I would like point out that the crowd had been held hostage by the secret service, and had a flashing 'applause' sign above them.


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