Ghost Precht

A dumping ground for the inane...

Monday, July 12, 2004

Put your hands over your hearts people!

Note: The following post is of a political nature, and contains multiple vulgarities. Viewer descretion is advised.

Cheney F-bombs Leahy:

So much for elevating the level of political discourse. The vice president of the United States ended

a frank exchange today on the hallowed floor of the U.S. Senate with Patrick Leahy, the solon from Vermont, with these memorable words: "Fuck you."

At least that's the way some news outlets reported it. According to a DNC press release, Vice

President Cheney actually suggested something anatomically more strenuous: "Go fuck yourself."

The Associated Press reported that Cheney either said "Fuck off" or "Fuck you."

Whatever the vice president said, it sure didn't have the ring of "returning honor and dignity to

the White House."

Read the whole article here


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